Seacliff Recreation Centre

The Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated is locally known as the Seacliff Recreation Centre.

Established as the Seacliff Boys Club in 1944, their activities included board games and table tennis which were held in the Seacliff Methodist Church Hall on Wheatland St, Seacliff until 1948 when the club moved to its present Yacca Rd site on land donated by the then Brighton City Council (now City of Holdfast Bay).

Relocation to the current site provided more space and girls began sporting activities at the club. The Board of management appropriately re-named the club the Seacliff Youth Centre. Then in 2015, the name was changed once again to Seacliff Recreation Centre.

Seacliff Recreation Centre is a non-profit organisation, providing active sports programs for people of all ages and skill levels that encourages personal growth under the guidance of qualified leaders and coaches in a Child Safe Environment.

The venue has four large air conditioned halls, modern showers and toilets, a Parents Room, disabled facilities, a kitchen, equipment storage area and car parking for 41 vehicles. Activities include Aerobic Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Gymnastics, Judo, Kindergym and Ju-Jitsu with a combined membership of 1500 (2016) their sports programs continue throughout the year.

An elected Board of Management consists of a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President, Publicity Officer and one member from each of the five Member Groups with General Meetings held monthly. The Board is responsible and accountable for all financial issues, service charges, building maintenance and setting fees for the groups using the centre identified in its Constitution (2015).