Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated

Work Health and Safety Policy

This policy:

  • shows the commitment of the Board of Management, workers and volunteers of the Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated in this workplace to health and safety
  • aims to remove or reduce risks to the health and safety of all workers, volunteers, contractors and visitors to this workplace and anyone else who may be affected by our operations
  • aims to ensure all work activities are completed safely
  • recognises that health and safety is most effective when a collaborative approach is used to identify and solve problems
  • commits to continuously improving work health and safety by addressing hazards and reviewing outcomes

The Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) must:

  • ensure their responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA) and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) are met
  • take reasonable steps to provide and maintain a safe working environment, plant and substances in a safe condition, and facilities for the welfare of all workers and volunteers
  • provide ways for workers and volunteers to be informed about and involved in health and safety issues at Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated
  • each Member Group to provide information, instruction, training and supervision needed to make sure that all workers and volunteers are safe from injury and risks to their health and safety
  • each Member Group to conduct regular workplace inspections
  • ensure this policy and all safe work procedures are kept up-to-date

Workers/Volunteers Must:

  • take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and ensure that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of others in the workplace
  • follow reasonable instructions given by the PCBU to protect their health and safety
  • identify and report any workplace hazards to their Member Groups own Chairperson or Head Coach or Board of Management of Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated or the Facility Manager via the maintenance book
  • not willfully interfere with or misuse items or facilities provided
  • complete a Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated incident report for all incidents

Visitors and contractors must:

  • not put themselves or any other person at the Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated at risk
  • comply with our work health and safety policy

Approved by Board of Management of Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated October 2014.
Revised June 2017, June 2020, July 2023