Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated
Volunteer Management Policy
1 Introduction
2 Organisation Overview
3 Induction
4 Volunteer Membership Form
5 Training
6 Supervision
7 Dispute Resolution
8 Volunteer Recognition
9.1 Honorariums
9.2 Reimbursements
9.3 Volunteer Records
9.4 Insurance
9.5 Health and Safety
9.6 Accidents
9.7 Confidentiality
10.1 Mandatory Reporting
11 Constitution/Policies/Member Rules
SAMPLE Induction of Volunteers to the Seacliff Recreation Centre Checklist
SAMPLE List of Policies and other Statements
SAMPLE Volunteer Membership form
SAMPLE Incident Report Form
SAMPLE Mandated Notification
Approved by Board of Management of Seacliff Community Recreation Association Incorporated November 2014
Revised November 2015, March 2017, July 2020, May 2023